
"If you love Kofola nothing else matters." Love has always been an extensive part of Kofola's DNA.

It has grown not only into the story of the brand itself, but has also played an important role in building the entire company in which the mission statement is: If you love nature and the people around you, nothing else matters. You'll always find a way.

There is no Kofola without love There is no Kofola without love There is no Kofola without love There is no Kofola without love There is no Kofola without love

We are "world-class" at being "local"

We are proud that our business relies on traditional brands, which we continue to develop in their original locations. Recognising the importance of supporting regions and regional cohesion, we strive to be a good neighbour and an inspiring employer.

We are We are We are

We have a clear vision!

We love nature. Nature is the best teacher for us in every way. We don't waste resources and where we can, we give back as much as we take. We try to think circularly and see waste as a resource. We are always looking for new ways and strive to be the customer's first choice. What do we focus on most?

  • Independent and satisfied people
    Our goal is a flexible and simple organization where employees understand and align with the company's mission and vision, can make their own decisions and take full responsibility for their decisions. We create an environment where they can reach their full potential and move the company forward.
  • Healthy products

    Healthy products

    What we eat and drink has a direct impact on our health, mental and physical condition. At Kofola, you can choose from a wide range of products. From spring and mineral waters to carbonated drinks and teas. We have long been transparent about how much sugar our drinks contain. We have a long-term commitment to reducing the amount of sugar in our drinks. We believe it is possible to achieve this reduction in a natural way without drastically replacing sugar with artificial sweeteners. An example of this is our flavoured Kofola Less More, which contains 30% less sugar. We are committed to removing preservatives from beverages. Over the past few years, we have upgraded our facilities with technologies that have enabled us to eliminate preservatives from some of our beverages.
  • Sustainability


    We see sustainability as one of the decision criteria in our business. That's why we don't create one-off projects, but we try to write sustainability into every single decision - from limiting disposable coffee grinds to protecting water resources. Without water, there would be no life, and certainly no Kofola. This beneficial liquid needs to be nurtured and cherished so that there is always enough for everyone. But we must also conserve other resources, and nothing should go to waste! We offer our products in fully recyclable packaging. Where possible, we prefer returnable packaging. And because our guiding philosophy is that the best packaging is no packaging, we are expanding our draft beverage portfolio as much as possible! Because waste prevention is even better than recycling... We are aware of the impact our business could have on the environment. We give priority to green energy, reduce waste at all levels, and use local raw materials. Little by little we are changing our actions so that one day we can be carbon neutral in terms of our activities.
  • Supporting localities and agriculture

    Supporting localities and agriculture

    We want to support the localities in which we operate. And not only financially, in terms of products, but also so that their landscape will be in an even better condition in the future. In Slovakia, we have established a non-profit organization called Kvapka Rajecka dolina, in which we work with experts to design water conservation measures in landscapes where we have water resources. But we also work with local farmers. Quality raw materials are behind each of our products. We want to know their entire life cycle, from seed to product, to make sure we use only the best. We have embarked on a new adventure of growing our own herbs, apples and coffee. We are rebuilding our herb buying stations and working to biocertify the areas where the herbs are grown.
  • Customer's first choice

    Customer's first choice

    Long-term, strong and fair customer relationships are the foundation of our business. We support our local partners and try to bring our sustainable thinking into our relationships with them.
  • New ways

    New ways

    The journey is the destination. At Kofola, we are constantly looking for new solutions and opportunities in an ever-changing world. We are eager to support local startups and push the existing business model further and further.

We rely on people

We are the original company whose energy attracts extraordinary people with a sense for unusual ideas. Together, we have created a colourful mosaic of people that inspires others. We give our employees the space to use common sense and do what they think is right. We encourage creativity and have the desire and courage to seek new opportunities and ideas.

We rely on people We rely on people We rely on people We rely on people We rely on people We rely on people We rely on people We rely on people