
"If you love Kofola nothing else matters." Love has always been an extensive part of Kofola's DNA.

It has grown not only into the story of the brand itself, but has also played an important role in building the entire company in which the mission statement is: If you love nature and the people around you, nothing else matters. You'll always find a way.

There is no Kofola without love There is no Kofola without love There is no Kofola without love There is no Kofola without love There is no Kofola without love

We are "world-class" at being "local"

We are proud that our business relies on traditional brands, which we continue to develop in their original locations. Recognising the importance of supporting regions and regional cohesion, we strive to be a good neighbour and an inspiring employer.

We are We are We are

We respect nature

We love nature. It is our best teacher in every respect. We do not waste resources and, where possible, we give back as much as we take. We try to think circularly and perceive waste as a resource. And,  what are we are particularly interested in when considering environmental protection?

  • Raw materials are the key
    High-quality raw materials form the basis of each of our products. We want to know their whole life-cycle, from seed to final product, to make sure we only use the best. We went in for the adventure of growing our own herbs. We harvest and process them in cooperation with regional people and our own employees
  • Water protection

    Water protection

    There would be no life, therefore no Kofola without water. We need to cherish this precious liquid and treat it with care so that there is always enough for everyone. We cooperate with local farmers to promote responsible agriculture that allows us to protect our water resources in crystal clear form for future generations.
  • Zero waste

    Zero waste

    We have to protect our resources and therefore nothing should result in nought. We offer our products in the best possible packaging, which is fully recyclable, so that it can be reused and continue its life-cycle. The argument that the best packaging is no packaging because waste prevention is better than recycling has become our core policy … and, therefore, the best drink is on tap!
  • Carbon neutrality

    Carbon neutrality

    We are well aware of the impact that our business could have on the environment. We prefer green energy, reducing waste, using local raw materials, and once we have to transport something, we prefer to use CNG trucks. Little by little, we are changing our actions so that we become carbon neutral in this decade.

We rely on people

We are an intuitively steered company whose energy attracts extraordinary people with a sense for unusual ideas. Together, we have created an original mosaic of people that inspires others. We give our employees the space to use common sense and do what they think is right. We encourage creativity and have the desire and courage to seek new opportunities and ideas.

We rely on people We rely on people We rely on people We rely on people We rely on people We rely on people We rely on people We rely on people